Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Airgurus Acquires ParaPAC Plus 310

The number 1 air ambulance company in the Philippines and one of the leading medevac providers in Asia, Airgurus has recently acquired the Pneupac ParaPAC Plus 310.

ParaPAC Plus 310 is the latest addition to the Pneupac range by Smiths Medical which are all designed for paramedics and trained emergency personnel's use to enable great control of breathing parameters for our patients. This equipment gives the versatility to deliver oxygen therapy, CPAP (Constant Positive Airway Pressure), demand oxygen and mechanical ventilation all from one compact, lightweight unit.

Among its' main features is a built-in oxygen therapy facility, an integrated PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) function, luminescent manometer, a display of inspiratory and expiratory pressure and manual ventilation control for compliance with CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) ratios and CPAP which has a setting of 0.5 liters per minute of oxygen all the way up to 35 liters per minute.  This latest acquisition by Airgurus is designed for the most demanding environments... emergency, ambulance, aircraft, hospital and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

With our goal to always keep our helicopters and other aircraft medically-suited / update with the best and top of the line equipment for our patients' needs, Airgurus remains to be the most trusted air ambulance / medevac company in the Philippine archipelago and now providing air medical transport to and from various parts of Asia. 

Airgurus... anytime and anywhere in Asia.